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Model Comp Card



At Gruvy Graphics, our Model Comp Card is meticulously crafted with a classic design to help you shine in the competitive modeling industry. Showcase your best photo and vital measurements, ensuring potential clients can appreciate your unique attributes at a glance. Elevate your professional portfolio and increase your chances to book a modeling gig with ease. Let Gruvy Graphics create a standout comp card that sets you apart.



File type:  (3) PSD (Photoshop files) 8 x 11

Ownership: Gruvy Graphics Company

Rights/ Usage

Gruvy Graphics Company retains full ownership of this work.  These rights are released to the purchaser of this design template for usage only for the purposes of editing and changing the information on this template.  No usage of personal information (including brand's, names, or addresses) associated is permitted.

Additional services

To have Team Gruvy edit your design for $35 extra with a maximum 24 hour turnaround per request, follow these steps:

1. Purchase your template

2. Send your edit request to:

  • Include the content you wish to be edited.

3. Pay the $35 fee for editing your content.

4. Give us anywhere between 2-24 hours to return your finished edit depending on current on demand.


Edit Gruvy Graphics designs with ease from any device with Adobe Espress

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